姫路城の緑 Daily eye in Himeji-castle


突如、樹木が姿を消す! Suddenly the trees disappear!

姫路城の景観と樹木 その6  Himeji Castle landscape and trees. Part6




As I walk around Himeji Castle, I may notice that there must have been trees here, but they have disappeared before I know it. I've been watching the area around Himeji Castle for over 20 years, and it's clear that there are fewer trees than in the past. I often see trees being cut in the park, but I've never seen them planted. The number of trees around Himeji Castle is steadily decreasing year by year. The azaleas and wisteria flowers that used to bloom beautifully have not bloomed much due to repeated unnecessary pruning by working staff in Himeji City. Trees that used to have a beautiful shape are now often seen as ill-mannered. Large trees are also often cut down. Many trees that have grown well over decades suddenly disappear. Only the stumps, which were later cut to half-height, remain painfully.



あちらこちらに残る切株  Stumps that remain here and there.



貧相な生垣   Poor hedge


かつてはツツジもきれいに咲いていた。In the past, azaleas were also in full bloom.


かつて緑豊かだった公園の道 Park  was once lush.


その後、強剪定されてしまった。 Afterward, pruning.